One day, when you look in the mirror when he suddenly found himself neck thicker, and prominent mass can move up and down with swallowing saliva. This is probably the thyroid disease, commonly known as "thick necks."
According to the situation goiter, thyroid diseases are classified into two categories: diffuse swelling of the thyroid gland, more common in patients with thyroiditis and hyperthyroidism; and occurs one or more of the thyroid tumor, more common in thyroid adenoma, nodular goiter and thyroid cancer patients.
If found, please do not ignore its existence. To determine the size and nature of thyroid check a lot of very complex, mainly measured TSH, thyroid function, thyroid B-, fine-needle aspiration biopsy, radionuclide scans. If the B-show nodules substantive mass, punctate microcalcifications, irregular borders, its blood flow is rich in surrounding tissue infiltration, or associated with lymph node metastasis, radionuclide scan showed cold nodule, a high degree of prompt and "bad problems "- thyroid cancer.
Small foci of thyroid can be a long time without development, and the individual may go away. Part of the progressive development of lesions in thyroid cancer. Approximately 10% of benign thyroid lesions can be transformed into cancer, such as thyroid adenoma, nodular goiter and so on. In patients with benign thyroid tumors usually no obvious symptoms, individual tumor can oppression large trachea, so that the trachea, esophagus shift. Sometimes, due to tumor hemorrhage, tumor experience a sudden increase, accompanied by local pain. Malignant thyroid tumors in patients with neck pain often, a sense of urgency and other discomfort. Some patients with early stage cervical lymph node enlargement; some may also occur in patients with facial flushing and diarrhea.
Tumor invasion and its adjacent tissues and organs, causing a hoarse voice, difficulty in breathing, swallowing disorder and so on.
Benign and malignant thyroid is a common surgical disease, to promote the preferred surgical treatment. Surgical divided into three categories: one category is the traditional surgery, major injury, postoperative neck scar left by the more obvious, but the low price. The second type is endoscopic thyroid surgery, neck surgery without scars, but the damage to the body is still relatively large, prone to chest retraction and swallowing neck discomfort. The third category is assisted endoscopic thyroid surgery, neck, there will be a small incision 2 cm long incision in line with the striae, the use of endoscopic and harmonic scalpel technique of thyroid resection, postoperative orthopedic suture technique using fine suture,
Incision can be clothing and necklaces and other decorative objects cover is difficult to find a few months later, basically the same incision and normal skin. And the second types of surgery, like expensive than the first category. Three types of surgical thyroid problems can be solved, "thick necks" will soon disappear without a trace.
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