Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thyroid nodule - a hidden danger to female patients

Thyroid gland, the body of a small butterfly-shaped organ, the body metabolism is the main regulator of the body of the engine. Thyroid manufacture, storage and release thyroid hormone into the blood, regulating the body's metabolism. Of these hormones on the maintenance of all body tissues, organs and normal functioning is very important. More than 300 million people worldwide suffer from thyroid disease, thyroid disease, most patients are not aware of his condition, only 3% of patients received standard treatment.
Thyroid nodules in the general population is very common. Touch to the thyroid nodules only in about 5% of the crowd, mainly women. Most thyroid nodules are benign, malignant only less than 5%. First of all through history, physical examination, thyroid ultrasound and functional assessment of risk classification.
History taking and physical examination should focus on thyroid cancer associated with the risk factors and, if no history of head and neck radiation exposure, total body irradiation before bone marrow transplantation history, family history of thyroid cancer, radiation exposure history (14 years ago), thyroid knot section is growing rapidly, with or without hoarseness, vocal cord paralysis, and ipsilateral cervical lymph node enlargement, fixed and so on. But also by B-ultrasound to determine thyroid size and other properties. If the B-node is a substantial mass shows a little like micro-calcification, irregular borders, its blood flow is rich in infiltrating the surrounding tissue, lymph nodes suspicious positive, then these are the tips cancer risk factors.
Thyroid nodules of clinical assessment tools, including: TSH measurement, thyroid B-, fine-needle aspiration biopsy, radionuclide scans. Laboratory tests, including serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) were determined. When the serum TSH level below normal, radionuclide thyroid scan should be performed to understand the functional status of nodules. If the level of serum TSH and normal or above normal, shall OK thyroid ultrasonography, radionuclide scanning is widely used in the past, the diagnosis of thyroid nodular disease, but it can only be used for the assessment of thyroid function. Thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) is the most accurate assessment of thyroid nodules, the most effective method, but it also there is a certain percentage of false-negative. Hence, sometimes the need for B-positioning of the thyroid core needle biopsy for further diagnosis.
Even if thyroid nodules were diagnosed as benign, but also the need for patients to follow-up, because FNA false negative rate of up to 5%, which, though small in some patients, but can not be ignored. Recommended every 6 to 18 months follow-up of ultrasonic examination of the growth of nodules, nodule growth in itself is not necessarily the indication of malignant lesions, but it is re-FNA adaptation levy. Related to the treatment of thyroid nodules with FNA results are based on enacted. The results showed benign cytology who do not need further examination and treatment; malignant, surgical treatment; can not be diagnosed, repeat biopsy, still can not diagnosis, close observation or surgical excision.

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