Tuesday, January 5, 2010

White-collar pressure to beware of hyperthyroidism

A healthy body is that each of us a better life, work and learning, and is the most important prerequisite for doing anything. Health needs are optimistic and cheerful attitude towards life, while health is good from our everyday habits. Life at home Xiaobian for you a selection of some health health knowledge, health tips to help you better and more scientifically conditioning your body, healthy and happy to spend every day!

Hyperthyroidism "love" in young women, especially white-collar women. According to experts, the current incidence of hyperthyroidism has been 10 years ago 1% to 2%, of which 80% of the patients as a middle-aged women, particularly white-collar office workers Beauty is more than that and their physical structure and the facing work, Living a double stress-related. Improve the psychological quality will help prevent disease, we should take things in stride optimistic approach to the environment.

Performance and causes of hyperthyroidism

Referred to as hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism is the result of excessive secretion of thyroid hormone, causing increased metabolic rate of a common endocrine disease. At present, the ratio of 1:6 for men and women hyperthyroidism. Patients usually manifested weight loss, easy to hunger, neck thick, rapid heartbeat, sweating, tremor and other symptoms, some people still associated with exophthalmos. A great impact on patients with hyperthyroidism, resulting in insomnia and irritability, affect the daily life and interpersonal relationships; female patients will appear menstrual disorders, menstrual less, is not easy to pregnancy, or even the pregnant will appear the possibility of stillbirth. Hyperthyroidism can also lead to serious cardiovascular disease, liver dysfunction, muscle weakness and so on. Hyperthyroidism caused by many reasons, the main factors include: heredity, some cases are familial aggregation phenomenon, parents, hyperthyroidism, children can easily incidence; iodine intake, such as iodine intake is too high; emotional suppression and long-term in the high pressure is a key factor in hyperthyroidism.

Little experience hyperthyroidism diet inequality

Now most patients tend to place more emphasis on intake of high-calorie food, ignore the intake of vegetables and fruits. Prevention and treatment of hyperthyroidism, not only to avoid excessive intake of one-time, but also appropriately increase meal times, regular meals, the meal with a sub-2 ~ 3 times, such as the increase in snacks between meals. In addition, the proposed multi-colored intake of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, celery, black fungus, lily, mulberry, Chinese wolfberry, Chinese yam, Gorgon fruit, jujube, watermelon, oranges, apples and so on.

Do not give himself too much pressure

To come to clinic patients are mostly energetic, always striving for perfection, the work of dedicated professional women, such as the foreign staff, teachers, accountants, etc., and be faced with a female high school entrance examination. They are more than 25 years old. This and their level of activity and stability of the endocrine not a relationship, when exposed to great work, life stress, mental and other incentives to stimulate the role of women than men more likely to have abnormal autoimmune regulator, triggering a high excess of thyroid hormone secretion metabolic syndrome. Got hyperthyroidism will make people become very sensitive, often to the end, these strong women can not get classes, home care is also not good, the pressure caused by the disease so that they completely lost the normal order of life. Aspects of the mental state may be due to over-excited cause sleeplessness, over-react to external stimuli, and even lead to personality changes. Strong woman experiencing these health crisis, we should look for physician examination, treatment as soon as possible, or easy to aging. In addition, the event exophthalmos not completely back to normal.

Optimistic about the open-minded attitude of life is the mentality of medicine

Maintain the normal state of mind is very important to the prevention of hyperthyroidism. Although hyperthyroidism have a certain genetic predisposition, but this is only prone factors, the key lies in the psychological qualities of individuals and the attitude towards, because adverse impact of emotions ranging from loss of appetite, sleep, weight affected the immune function and health. A good outlook on life, the prevention of hyperthyroidism is a panacea, we must remain optimistic, open-minded attitude towards the things around, not in the setbacks, failures into a dead end in front in order to "panic" of the normal state of mind to face life. In addition, the busy young people should keep a relaxed working environment and maintain harmony of family life, pay attention to the law of daily life, do not stay up all night. As much as possible their own decompression, and do more outdoor sports, sightseeing tour, relax body and mind.

1 comment:

  1. I found this post. I am looking for write ups regarding diet for hyperthyroidism. I don't know what particular foods to take. That's why I am looking..
